For the safety of our staff and students, please review Simmons Traffic Plan Map.


Please follow the direction of traffic safety personnel and signage.

Do not block crosswalks around the school and Fire Department.

Car riders should be picked up and dropped off at Simmons to ensure their safety. There is no student drop off or pick up at the Fine Arts Center.

All Tardy students/Early Dismissals must report to the Simmons main office.

Please avoid any early pickups while your child is in PE or Encore.

Please do not Drop off Students before 7:45 am.

During the school day, you can access the main office and visitor parking by entering off 94th and Ridgeland.

Please do not start lining up for pick up until after 2:15-as the driveway between Simmons and the Fine Arts Center will be closed after arrival until dismissal. The will be no access during school hours off of 95th Street.

Thank you for your cooperation.