EL Family Resources
What services are offered?
Ridgeland School District offers 2 different services for our English Learner students, Transitional Bilingual Program (TBE) and Transitional Program of Instruction Program (TPI).
Transitional Bilingual Program (TBE)
Our TBE program services students who come from households with a second language as indicated in the home language survey and have been identified as a student with limited English proficiency based on the prescribed screening instruments. Our district currently provides a part-time TBE program model in which the students receive instruction in English and in the student’s home language as determined by the students’ needs. Students receive this support during their Lit and LA blocks in the ELL classroom. This program is available for students in grades 1st – 3rd, in most of our elementary schools.
Transitional Program of Instruction Program (TPI)
Our TPI program services supports students through ESL instruction to ensure that the students are kept in pace with their grade level peers in achieving academic achievement in the academic content areas. The ELL students are in the general education classroom with native English speaking students. Our district offers two instructional models within the TPI program: pull-out and push-in. In the pull-out model students receive extra support in the four domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English in the ELL classroom for a brief portion of the day.
The push- in model provides extra support for the ELL student in the general education classroom through the assistance of the TPI teacher. In this model the TPI teacher provides language support as needed by the student in the four domains within the context of the content area being instructed. The TPI program is available for students in grades Kindergarten to 8th grade.
If you need translation service when you call in, please let us know along with the language you will need.