Lieb traveled to Chicago for their All School Field Trip last week to see the world-renowned Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Students explored "The Music of our Emotions" and listened to excerpts by Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Prokofiev and more! Students were able to see some of the best musicians in the world. Fun was had by all!
2 days ago, Amber Kenis
Lieb's All School Field Trip to see the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Lieb's All School Field Trip to see the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Lieb's All School Field Trip to see the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Lieb's All School Field Trip to see the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Lieb's All School Field Trip to see the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Lieb's All School Field Trip to see the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Last week, Our K-3 students viewed a play/presentation from the "Land of Smiles", Delta Dental's Educational Program. Students learned the importance of dental hygiene and healthy foods!
2 days ago, Amber Kenis
Lieb's Land of Smiles from Delta Dental
Lieb's Land of Smiles from Delta Dental
Lieb's Land of Smiles from Delta Dental
Thanks Bridgeview Police Department for visiting Lieb this week to talk with grades 3,4,5 about preventing bullying. Your message of kindness, respect, and standing up for others will stay with our students as they continue to grow into responsible, compassionate individuals.
12 days ago, Rhonda Kulig
Thank you Dr. Don Parker for visiting grade 4 and 5 this week at Lieb to discuss the impact of words and teaching us all to think about what we say before we say it. We appreciate his message on showing kindness!
12 days ago, Rhonda Kulig
Enjoyed celebrating some of the early birds with hot chocolate that get to school at 7:50a.m. for our Eagle Enrichment Club.
12 days ago, Rhonda Kulig
Lieb School honored Black History Month by engaging students in exciting trivia challenges that tested their knowledge and highlighted books in our library. Classrooms also participated in various activities celebrating Black history month.
12 days ago, Amber Kenis
Lieb's Black History Month Activities
Lieb Black History Month Activities
Lieb Black History Month Activities
Lieb Black History Month Activities
Thank you to our PTA and PBIS Tier 1 team for providing the assembly and Family Night! The Tim Hannig PRO Kids Magic Show was a blast. Teachers, students, and family members participated. Ms. Kulig was even tied up and had to escape!
12 days ago, Amber Kenis
Lieb's PBIS Trimester 2 Assembly and PRO Kids Magic Show Family Night- Thanks PTA!
Lieb's PBIS Trimester 2 Assembly and PRO Kids Magic Show Family Night- Thanks PTA!
Lieb's PBIS Trimester 2 Assembly and PRO Kids Magic Show Family Night- Thanks PTA!
Lieb's PBIS Trimester 2 Assembly and PRO Kids Magic Show Family Night- Thanks PTA!
Lieb's PBIS Trimester 2 Assembly and PRO Kids Magic Show Family Night- Thanks PTA!
Lieb's PBIS Trimester 2 Assembly and PRO Kids Magic Show Family Night- Thanks PTA!
Lieb School kicked off the Kids Heart Challenge for the American Heart Association on Friday! Students learned about heart health and raising funds to protect all hearts – especially other kids! The link to join our school team is:
20 days ago, Amber Kenis
Lieb's Kids Heart Challenge Assembly
Lieb's Kids Heart Challenge Assembly
Lieb's Kids Heart Challenge Assembly
Lieb's Kids Heart Challenge Assembly
Thursday was our Lieb PTA Glow Party! Families had a blast dancing and participating in glow-in-the-dark activities. Thank you to our PTA parents that spent hours planning, purchasing supplies, and setting up the event.
21 days ago, Amber Kenis
Lieb PTA Glow Party
Lieb PTA Glow Party
Lieb PTA Glow Party
Lieb PTA Glow Party
Lieb PTA Glow Party
Lieb PTA Glow Party
Lieb PTA Glow Party
Congratulations to our Positive Office Referral winners! These students showed acts of Kindness and were nominated by a staff member. These students were showing thoughtfulness, helpfulness, compassion and were volunteering their time. Kindness is our Superpower!
21 days ago, Amber Kenis
Lieb Positive Office Referral Winners!
Lieb Positive Office Referral Winners!
We finished off our Lieb Parent Mentor Spirit Week with lots of appreciation letters and drawings. We appreciate the work that they do for our students and the support they provide our school.
21 days ago, Amber Kenis
Lieb Parent Mentor Spirit Week
Lieb Parent Mentor Spirit Week
Lieb Parent Mentor Spirit Week
Lieb Parent Mentor Spirit Week
Lieb Parent Mentor Spirit Week
Lieb Parent Mentor Spirit Week
This week we are celebrating our Parent Mentor Program through Arab American Family Services (AAFS). Staff and students are drawing pictures and writing letters of appreciation to our parent mentors. Thank you for being a part of our school!
28 days ago, Amber Kenis
AAFS Parent Mentor Program Spirit Week!
AAFS Parent Mentor Program Spirit Week!
AAFS Parent Mentor Program Spirit Week!
AAFS Parent Mentor Program Spirit Week!
AAFS Parent Mentor Program Spirit Week!
AAFS Parent Mentor Program Spirit Week!
AAFS Parent Mentor Program Spirit Week!
AAFS Parent Mentor Program Spirit Week!
A big thank you to our Lieb PTA and parents for spoiling our staff with snacks and lunch! Staff were given a "SOUPer Bowl" luncheon today. There was so much variety of food and we loved eating some of our students' favorite home cooked dishes!
about 1 month ago, Amber Kenis
Lieb PTA SOUPer Bowl for Staff
Lieb PTA SOUPer Bowl for Staff
Lieb PTA SOUPer Bowl for Staff
Lieb PTA SOUPer Bowl for Staff
4th grade students had the Illinois "Ag in the Classroom" visit this week with Mr. Kooyman. Agriculture professionals visited to educate students on the importance of farming, plant growth, and food production.
about 1 month ago, Amber Kenis
4th Grade Agriculture in the Classroom Presentation
4th Grade Agriculture in the Classroom Presentation
4th Grade Agriculture in the Classroom Presentation
4th Grade Agriculture in the Classroom Presentation
Our students LOVE the newly, upgraded park! A few Cold Weather Reminders! Dress for the weather. We do go outside for recess if temperatures are above 25 degrees. Please be sure your child has warm winter coats, mittens, and hats. Is your child missing a mitten? Our lost and found is overflowing! Please have your child check the lost and found at school. Students are allowed to be on school grounds as of 8:40a.m. Please do not drop them off earlier as there is no supervision. Staff are on duty from 8:40-8:50a.m. and 3:20-3:30 p.m. Thank you and stay warm.
about 1 month ago, Amber Kenis
Playing at the New Park!
Playing at the New Park!
Playing at the New Park!
Thank you to our staff who assist with Outdoor Duty! Pick up and drop off reminders for Pembroke Avenue. ***PLEASE HELP US MAKE SAFETY A PRIORITY FOR YOUR CHILD*** All cars must remain attended. Please do not leave your car in the blue. Please pull all the way up in the blue and wait your turn to avoid an accident. Please do not cut in front of the drop-off and pick-up line as many families have waited their turn to drop-off. Once cars are loaded they do move up. While it is tempting to load and unload your child in a spot closest to the main sidewalk leading to the doors, it creates a problem by stopping too early as cars can only load and unload one at a time. This makes kids tardy for school in the morning and standing outside for long periods of time in cold weather after school. Please let your kids enter and exit your car curbside only for their safety. Refrain from honking. Those that are outside near your car get alarmed with the loud noise. Encourage your child to be watching for their ride. Thank you for helping us with this matter!
about 1 month ago, Amber Kenis
Lieb's morning drop-off
💯 days older, wiser, and still going strong! Our students aged overnight—canes, curlers, and all—while celebrating with 100-themed fun! From counting snacks to “slow” jumping jacks, it’s been a blast. Here’s to 100 more! 👴👵🎉 #100DaysWiser #EagleStrong
about 1 month ago, Amber Kenis
Lieb's 100th day of School!
Lieb's 100th day of School!
Lieb's 100th day of School!
Lieb's 100th day of School!
Dressed to impress and 100 days wiser!
about 1 month ago, Rhonda Kulig
❄️ Due to the cold weather, Tuesday, January 21st is an eLearning day! 📚 ⏰ 6th-8th grade: 8:15 AM (Google Classroom) ⏰ K-5th grade: 8:50 AM (Clever) ⏰ Preschool: Zoom links from teachers! Stay cozy and keep learning! 💻 Stay safe!
about 2 months ago, Melissa Mercado
Part 2: A big thank-you to our PTA for hosting another amazing event- The Big and Little Snow Ball 2025! Everyone had so much fun dancing, drinking hot chocolate and playing winter games and crafts. Thank you to all who helped organize this event. Fun was had by all!
about 2 months ago, Amber Kenis
Lieb PTA Big and Little Snow-Ball 2025
Lieb PTA Big and Little Snow-Ball 2025
Lieb PTA Big and Little Snow-Ball 2025
Lieb PTA Big and Little Snow-Ball 2025
Lieb PTA Big and Little Snow-Ball 2025
Lieb PTA Big and Little Snow-Ball 2025
Lieb PTA Big and Little Snow-Ball 2025
Lieb PTA Big and Little Snow-Ball 2025
Lieb PTA Big and Little Snow-Ball 2025
Lieb PTA Big and Little Snow-Ball 2025